Hot Latin Rhythms Cool Contemporary & Top 40

Check out our latest music and videos!
Check out our latest music and videos!
New original music by Eddie Ortiz and Son Caribe
featuring Cynthia Romero.
©Son Caribe Entertainment 2021. All Rights Reserved.
New original music by Eddie Ortiz and Son Caribe.
©Son Caribe Entertainment 2021. All Rights Reserved.
New original music by Eddie Ortiz and Son Caribe
featuring Cynthia Romero.
©Son Caribe Entertainment 2021. All Rights Reserved.
New original music by Eddie Ortiz and Son Caribe.
©Son Caribe Entertainment 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Performing alongside these gifted musicians is an awesome thing!
It's an absolute blast each time we take the stage together!
There's nothing like the joy we experience from discovering creative new ways to express our music. We embrace the latest technologies and resources available to further enhance our live music performances. We look forward to seeing you at one of our shows!
Draw inspiration from everything around you. There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you open your mind to new possibilities.